Use "discontent|discontents" in a sentence

1. Chagrins: as in upsets, discontents

2. What's more miserable than discontent?

3. The money is running short , discontents are arising beneath these despotic rulers.

4. I heard a mutter of discontent.

5. 21 The audience buzzed with discontent.

6. Perhaps she sensed my growing discontent .

7. 12 Discontent stirred the men to mutiny.

8. The workforce were smoldering with discontent.

9. 2 What's more miserable than discontent?

10. Discontent stirred the men to mutiny.

11. They contributed tactlessly to a general discontent.

12. 3 Discontent stirred the men to mutiny.

13. Years of discontent turned into armed insurrection.

14. Discontent among junior ranks was rapidly spreading.

15. 23 There is discontent within the farming industry.

16. 4 Discontent with the current government is strong.

17. 3 Years of discontent turned into armed insurrection.

18. The reforms failed to stem social discontent.

19. Discontent with the current government is strong.

20. 24 Discontent resulted from sharply rising rents.

21. 22 I heard a mutter of discontent.

22. 15 Perhaps she sensed my growing discontent .

23. Synonyms: content, contentment, delectation… Antonyms: discontent, disContentedness, discontentment…

24. 20 The reforms failed to stem social discontent.

25. Bluh is an interjection expressing disgust or discontent

26. He signalled his discontent by refusing to vote.

27. Prisoner discontent eventually boiled over into open prison rebellion.

28. 28 He signalled his discontent by refusing to vote.

29. 17 Growing discontent has been symbolized by the protests.

30. 16 Graham attempted to quash rumours of growing discontent.

31. Is there much discontent in the islands, Colonel?

32. 27 There is growing discontent with the leadership.

33. 5 Discontent among junior ranks was rapidly spreading.

34. Synonyms: content, contentedness, delectation… Antonyms: discontent, discontentedness, disContentment…

35. Complain definition is - to express grief, pain, or discontent

36. The riots are a clear manifestation of growing discontent.

37. There is widespread public discontent with the struggling economy .

38. This riot is only one manifestation of people's discontent.

39. How can you avoid falling into a pit of discontent?

40. There was an underlying current of discontent among teachers.

41. 1 Discontent is the first step in progress. 

42. 26 There were rumblings of discontent within the ranks.

43. 25 Soon,[] the grumblings turned to open discontent.

44. 14 There was an underlying current of discontent among teachers.

45. The riots are a clear manifestation of the people's discontent.

46. These latest riots are a clear manifestation of growing discontent.

47. My father was very open about his discontent with religion.

48. 13 This riot is only one manifestation of people's discontent.

49. The “Braying” and “lowing” here are those expressing discontent or want

50. Johnson Buffeted by Brexit discontent in N.Ireland AFP 9 hrs ago

51. This demonstration was a symptom of discontent among the students.

52. “The sea” of rebellious humanity churns up discontent and revolution

53. 19 The young workers cackled their discontent with poor pay.

54. 6 There were murmurs of discontent from the work-force.

55. This would occasion distinctions, preferences, and exclusions, which would Beget discontent

56. “The sea” of restless, rebellious humanity churns up discontent and revolution.

57. 30 These latest riots are a clear manifestation of growing discontent.

58. 18 There was widespread discontent at/about/over/with the plan.

59. 10 This demonstration was a symptom of discontent among the students.

60. Restlessness is discontent - and discontent is the first necessity of progress. Show me a thoroughly satisfied man - and I will show you a failure. Thomas A. Edison 

61. Overcrowded conditions fuelled discontent and facilitated the spread of radical ideas.

62. 9 Public discontent with the economy remained at a high level.

63. Suddenly a Faustian spirit of discontent and universal reform descends on you.

64. 21 Overcrowded conditions fuelled discontent and facilitated the spread of radical ideas.

65. Discontent simmered and then came to a head with the nationalist protests.

66. Widespread discontent spread through the populace upon the announcement of the treaty terms.

67. Discontent among the ship's crew finally led to the outbreak of mutiny.

68. Some social commentators speak of a general mood of pessimism and discontent.

69. The resultant discontent erupted in the "Caracazo" riots of 27 February 1989.

70. 22 Discontent among the ship's crew finally led to the outbreak of mutiny.

71. In this season of our discontent I find it heartening to look back.

72. 7 Discontent simmered and then came to a head with the nationalist protests.

73. Perhaps she sensed my growing discontent and was frightened of appearing to gloat.

74. These verbs all refer to allaying another's anger, belligerence , discontent, or agitation . To.

75. This state of discontent and disillusionment created a real crisis for the Republic.

76. 11 The present wave of strikes stems from discontent among the lower-paid.

77. In 886, he sought to defuse domestic discontent with a decree of general forgiveness.

78. In a spirit of discontent, though, they exaggerated their plight and began to murmur.

79. This latest outbreak of violence is a clear manifestation of discontent in the city.

80. Of all the workers in the country bituminous miners probably had best grounds for discontent.